what is spectrophobia that makes people scared of looking at mirror

what is spectrophobia that makes people scared of looking at mirror

From humans to animals, everyone is afraid of something or the other. Some are afraid of snakes, while others are afraid of humans. Due to this fear, sometimes people even die of heart attacks. If you are afraid of seeing a photo or anything, then you might have trypophobia. By the way, phobia is a mental illness. This disease occurs when a person is afraid of something more than normal. There are many types of phobias. Let’s know what is spectrophobia?

what is phobia

It is natural to be afraid in life, when a person starts getting too afraid then it becomes a problem. This fear problem is called phobia in English. Phobia and fear are both similar, but not the same. Fear is a kind of emotional response. This happens when you have scored less marks in your exam and you are afraid of getting beaten up by your parents. Whereas phobia is a dangerous level of fear. In this situation, fear dominates people so much that to avoid it, the person puts himself at risk or in other words, he does all those things so that he can stay safe. According to a report, there can be more than 100 types of phobia.

Why is man afraid

The phobia we are talking about today is spectrophobia. In this disease, people are afraid of looking in the mirror. In this, a person gets scared of seeing his own face in the mirror. Many times people are unable to understand this disease and associate it with black magic. However, this is not black magic, rather it is a kind of mental disease, in which a person hesitates to look in the mirror.

Causes of spectrophobia

There can be many reasons for phobia. If a person has faced an incident once, then he also gets phobia. Due to which an imaginary picture is formed in the heart and mind of the person. When a person closes his eyes, he sees or thinks about that incident. Due to this, the person becomes very nervous and gets scared mentally as well. The fear goes very deep due to which that fear keeps haunting him all the time. Some people get scared by seeing a mirror. Some people hate mirror because they are afraid of mirror. Some people are afraid of heights and some are afraid of water. In such a situation, doctors also advise them to avoid going there.

Symptoms of spectrophobia
People suffering from spectrophobia try their best to avoid looking at the mirror. In such a situation, negative energy starts dominating them. Although people avoid looking at the mirror in their house, but when they go out somewhere, it becomes a problem for them. They are afraid of the name of mirror and many symptoms start appearing in their body like they start sweating profusely, some start having trouble breathing. Dizziness, heart rate increases. Some start feeling tired, while many people start getting irritable. These are common symptoms of spectrophobia. Due to this, a person gets disturbed and sometimes even faints.

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